Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that has gained popularity in recent years. It is an analog of delta-9 THC (it’s often called D9’s little sister or cousin), which is the main psychoactive component of marijuana and gives users the feeling of being “high”. Delta-8 THC is considered to be less potent than delta-9, but still provides a milder version of the same effects.

Additionally, Delta 8 products are federally legal as long as they contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC by weight – making them accessible to those who would rather avoid more intense psychoactive experiences associated with marijuana products that might contain more than this amount.

Let’s look at Delta 8 THC closely. Here’s all you need to know in one place. 

What Is Delta-8 THC?

The traces of Delta-8 THC are found in low quantities in hemp plants. It is a psychoactive substance but comparatively less potent than its cousin Delta-9 THC, which is an active ingredient in Cannabis. 

While Delta-8 THC has similar properties to Delta-9 THC (the most common form of THC), Delta-8 offers a slightly different experience. We’ll talk about all its effects in much detail in just a second.

Delta-8 is found in smaller amounts within the cannabis plant than Delta-9, and can be extracted from hemp using a variety of methods. When extracted, it can be used to make tinctures, edibles, capsules, and other products.

What Are the Effects of Delta-8 THC?

THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the dominant psychoactive compound found in Cannabis. When ingested, the THC molecules bind and interact with your body’s receptors, which are responsible for various functions like controlling appetite, mood, pain, and more. 

The structure of Delta-8 THC is slightly different than that of other more common Cannabis form, Delta-9 THC. The effects of Delta-8 THC are in many ways similar to that of its more potent chemical cousin, Delta-9 THC.

Delta-8 THC is relatively far less psychoactive than Delta-9 THC and less likely to trigger side effects like anxiety or panic attacks. 

Does Delta-8 THC Get You High?

One of the first questions people ask when considering Delta-8 THC is – Can I get high with Delta-8 THC? As we’ve already seen, the answer is YES! However, the answer to the question – “How high can I get with D-8 THC?” depends on numerous factors, as discussed earlier. It includes the dosage, your past experience with THC, the ingestion method, and your overall tolerance level. 

By now, it is well-established that Delta-8 THC is not as potent as its cousin Delta-9 THC. However, it is still capable of getting you high. It mostly depends on how much Delta-8 THC is ingested, the medium of ingestion used, and your overall THC tolerance levels. 

Compared to Delta-9 THC, its younger cousin, Delta-8 THC, is only 50 percent to 60 percent potent. In other words, you can say that Delta-8 is almost half as potent as Delta-9 THC. So, the high offered by Delta-8 THC is relatively much lighter. 

Delta-8 doesn’t interfere with your concentration or coordination and may even lead to a sharper focus. The energy levels after Delta-8 THC ingestion remain fairly consistent without any major fluctuations. 

How Long Before Delta-8 THC’s Effects Set In?

One of the common questions people are curious about is how long before you start feeling the effects of Delta-8 THC. Another pertinent question people look for answers to is how the high of Delta-8 THC is different from the high offered by more commonly used Delta-9 THC. 

If you’re looking for these and other common questions about Delta 8, you’re at the right place. In this D8 knowledge base, we will be answering all your queries revolving around D8, helping you start your Delta-8 hemp THC journey on the right note. 

Even though there’s very little research on the high offered by Delta-8 and Delta-9 and how they’re different, it would be safe to say there’s no tremendous difference between them. However, it is seen that the high from Delta-8 THC takes a little longer to kick in. 

What Is the Duration of Delta-8 THC’s High?

Typically, the effect of Delta-8 THC can kick in after 10 to 15 minutes of consumption, which can also be regarded as its peak time. The overall effect can remain for the next 1-3 hours depending on the dose, and in some cases, it can last for nearly 8 hours as well. 

There are numerous factors that influence the length of high from Delta-8 THC. These factors include –

  • Size of the dose
  • Method of ingestion
  • Your experience with THC
  • Your tolerance levels

The length of high in a person taking Delta-8 or THC for the first time would be more than in someone who is a frequent THC user. 

For starters, the 10mg dose is sufficient when using Delta-8 THC edibles. Similarly, if you’re vaping Delta-8 THC, take 2-3 puffs and allow the THC to kick in. This will help you judge the effect and analyze your tolerance levels before you proceed to ingest more. 

The recommended dose of Delta-8 THC can vary greatly from person to person, but it is best to go slow and understand how your body reacts to determine your tolerance and standard dose. 

delta 8 effects

How Much THC Is Present in Delta-8 THC?

THC is chemically similar to another potent neurochemical called Anandamide. This neurochemical is known to influence areas of the brain that manages and controls functions like pleasure, movement, memory, concentration, thinking time, and sensory perception. 

THC stimulates these brain areas and activates these receptors, providing a sense of euphoria, relaxation, happiness, and overall well-being. 

It needs to be noted here that Delta-8 THC does not trigger brain receptors as potently as it does when Delta-9 THC is ingested. In recommended doses, usually varying between 10mg to 40mg, it would most likely not cause any side effects but would lead to an elevated mood, an inflated feeling of well-being, and provide relief from pain. 

How Long Is Delta-8 THC Present in Your System?

The high from Delta-8 THC and its effect would last only a few hours. However, the THC metabolites would remain for much longer. All the byproducts from Delta-8 THC ingestion would be flushed out from your body in about 5 to 6 days. 

For first-time users, a urine test can detect THC metabolite for up to 30 days. 

The THC metabolite can be detected in a urine test for nearly 30 to 90 days for frequent THC users. 

Hair follicle tests for drug use can detect Delta-8 THC ingestion for over three months. So, if you’re subject to random THC tests or on probation, it is best to avoid Delta-8 THC use or only use it post the scrutiny period. 

How Much Delta-8 THC Is Right for Me?

This is a pretty subjective question, as how much you can take depends largely on your experience with Cannabis. 

For first-time users, a 10 mg dose is a good starting point. 

If you’re vaping, it’s best to stop after a couple of puffs and see how your body reacts. 

Ultimately, the right quantity for you might be too much or too little for someone else. So, it’s best to go slow and determine a dose after a few uses that provide you optimal effect and high. The body adapts to the THC with time, increasing your tolerance level gradually. 

As with any other psychoactive compounds, it’s best to practice moderation with Delta-8 THC as well. 

delta 8 dosing

Tips On Using Delta-8 THC – Safely & Responsibly 

Delta-8 THC provides users with a fun, relaxed, and euphoric feeling without the side effects commonly associated with using the more potent Delta-9 THC. This can sometimes increase its usage among users. 

It is important to ensure you use it responsibly and safely because too much psychoactive chemical ingestion can have long-term implications. 

Here, we will discuss some tips for THC beginners on how to use Delta-8 THC safely and responsibly. 

Purchase Delta-8 THC From Safe Source Only

Delta-8 THC is legal and can be sent over mail as well. No government regulations are in place to check the circulation of Delta-8 THC products and the contents of those products. You can easily find Delta-8 THC products in a wide range of retail outlets, including bodegas and smoke shops. 

Unfortunately, the market is filled with products that come labeled as Delta-8 THC products but may not necessarily be it. 

Make sure you only buy your Delta-8 THC from a licensed, ethical, and well-reviewed source/supplier.

Identify Your Tolerance Level

It’s important to remember that you can add to your dose in small quantities until you feel the desired high or effect. However, you can’t cut back the dose once you’ve already ingested it. 

Getting the point? 

It’s important to start slow and identify the dose that works for you. If you’re into Delta-8 THC edibles, it’s best to start with 10mg and top it up till you get the desired high. 

In due course, after several uses, you will be able to identify the dose that suits you best. For some people, the dose on the higher end makes more sense, and it’s vice versa for others. 

The trick is to stick to the dose that provides you with optimal high and helps you feel relaxed without overdoing it. Also, if you have Delta-8 THC edibles, don’t gobble them like candies. 

Having Delta-8 THC edibles in small quantities at periodical intervals throughout the day is known to have medical benefits. It can provide relief from chronic pain, elevate mood, reduce anxiety, and helps you focus sharply. 

Space Out Your Dosage 

Delta-8 THC is relatively less potent than Delta-9 THC, but going overboard with it can lead to similar side effects as commonly experienced with Delta-9 THC. This includes feeling extremely lethargic, problems with coordination, and confusion.

However, Delta-8 THC does not commonly lead to more feared side-effects such as paranoia, panic attacks, racing heart, and dizziness, commonly seen with Delta-9 THC use.

If you’re vaping, wait for your body’s reaction after 2-3 puffs. 

If you have edibles, wait for a couple of hours after the 10mg dose. 

Keep in mind that Delta-8 THC is known to offer a more relaxed and clear-headed high and doesn’t offer the more symbolic ‘psychedelic’ high Delta-9 is known for. 

Avoid Driving After THC Use

Even though Delta-8 THC offers a clear-headed high and is known to improve focus, it doesn’t mean you can drive without any signs of impairment. 

Don’t risk your and other’s life by driving under the influence of Delta-8 THC, as it can slow down your reflexes. In case of higher doses, you may feel super relaxed and even a little dizzy, which can certainly lower your guard and increases the risk of an accident. 

In other words, don’t drive or use any heavy machinery after ingesting Delta-8 THC. 

Identify The Ingestion Method That Best Suits You

Different people have different reactions to Delta-8 THC. 

Also, the expectations from Delta-8 THC vary from person to person. Some people are looking for a clear-headed high without the nasty side effects of Delta-9, while many others are looking to get some relief from their chronic pain. 

For a quick high – Try vaping Delta-8 THC

For people who prefer drinking medium – Try THC Syrup

For Pain Relief & Long-Lasting Relief – Try Delta-8 THC Gummies

For a fast acting THC Drink – Try Delta 8 Drinks

For  tasty Delta 8 Edible – Try Delta 8 Lollipops 

As you can see, there are different methods of ingestion available. Don’t get stuck to one particular medium and ingestion but try various methods to find the one that works well for you. 

Check out the ingestion method that provides you with the best high, as every method has its own metrics of high duration, how fast the high kicks in, and so on. Keep trying, and you’ll find a method that hits the “spot.”

Effects of Delta-8 THC On Different Types of Users 

Delta-8 THC is perfect for beginners as well as seasoned stoners. However, it’s important to know your body, know your tolerance levels, identify the right dosage for you, and approach your Delta-8 THC journey in your own way. 


It’s recommended that beginners start their D8 THC journey in small doses. The ingestion should be done in a safe, comfortable, and relaxed environment. 

DO NOT mix D8 THC with other substances. It is because you want to identify the right dose for you and how long the effects last after a dose. 

Remember, it’s important to relax and enjoy the mild high that will kick in after ingestion. In recommended doses, usually between 10mg to 40mg, you will feel relaxed, happy, and clear-headed. If you’re suffering from mild pain, this happy high will help provide immediate relief. 

Cannabis Users 

Technically, Delta-8 THC is a Cannabis substitute and is sold as one. 

However, it is less potent than Delta-9 THC, and if you’re expecting a psychedelic experience, you will be disappointed. It does provide you with a mild high that helps you relax and feel euphoric but doesn’t get you “Stoned”, if you know what it means.